My Approach

I offer counselling online, on an individual basis, for those aged 18+. Each session lasts 50 minutes and the process begins with a free consultation to ensure I can offer the support you need. I offer an inclusive service, respectful of difference and diversity, and am happy to explore any support needs you may have in accessing sessions

Drawing from Person Centred, Gestalt and Transactional Analysis therapies, I believe in the inherent potential for growth and healing within each individual. We will use the therapeutic relationship as a collaborative journey towards self-awareness, authenticity and fulfilment. All these theoretical perspectives fall under the bracket of a Humanistic approach and we may integrate other skills tailored to your unique experiences and needs.

Transactional Analysis (TA)

How often have you had an interaction with someone where you find yourself triggered into unhelpful critical reactions rather than thoughtful kind responses, where you feel like you’re completely misunderstanding each other, or where you find you almost revert to the childish version of yourself and end up feeling disempowered, hurt and frustrated?

Exploring the transactions we have within our relationships and our internal responses can allow us to make healthier choices about our behaviour and create awareness over what contributes to the negative patterns we get stuck in.

The PAC Model used within Transactional Analysis can often help present a better way forward in allowing us to be more present with the here and now and to release the hold that past expectations may have on us.

  • If we are in the Adult ego state we are thinking, feeling and behaving in response to the here and now using all of our grown-up resources.
  • If we are in the Parent ego state we are behaving, thinking and feeling in ways which are essentially a copy of our parental figures or main care-givers.
  • If we are operating from the Child ego state we return to ways of thinking, feeling and behaving that we used as a child. These might have helped us back then to deal with the challenges we were facing, but could end up working against us as a grown-up.

Person Centred

Person-centred therapy is based on the view that everyone has the capacity and desire for personal growth and change, given the right conditions. Rather than being seen as the expert and directing the therapy, the counsellor offers unconditional positive regard, empathy and congruence to help you come to terms with any negative feelings and to change and develop in your own way.

A person-centred counsellor will help you to explore your own issues, feelings, beliefs, behaviour, and worldview, so you can become more self-aware and achieve greater independence. To achieve this, the counsellor will offer the ‘core conditions’ described below.

  • Unconditional Positive Regard (UPR) – accepting and valuing you
  • Empathic Understanding – seeing your viewpoint as if they were you
  • Congruence – being honest and transparent in how they experience you and your world


The name Gestalt is derived from the German for ‘whole’ or ‘pattern’. It looks at the individual as a whole, and within their surroundings, rather than breaking things into parts. Practitioners help you to focus on the here and now and your immediate thoughts, feelings and behaviour to better understand how you relate to others and to situations. This can help you find a new, positive perspective on problems and bring about changes in your life.


Integrative counselling looks at the whole person, taking into account your mental, physical and emotional needs. Your therapist will use techniques and tools from different modalities to tailor an individual approach for you.

An integrative counsellor aims to build a trusting and non-judgmental relationship that helps you develop self-awareness. When you understand the causes of your concerns or triggers for your behaviour, you can confidently set goals and develop new behaviours to improve your satisfaction with life.